Our Bright Spots program is simple and fast

All you need to do is choose an internal project leader that will work with us and make 4 decisions:

1. Timing: Do you want to do things in 1 week or 3 weeks

2. Involvement of your team: We can do the interview independently (no shadowing) or with your team (shadowing)

3. Hypotheses: Do you have hypotheses you would like use to check during our work, or would you like us to do the work with no pre-conceived hypotheses( Tabla Rasa)

4. Do you want to buy all 3 stages at once, or make a decision after each stage.

The 3 stages of the bright spots program



To reflect the different level of complexity by organization size, we offer discounts for smaller companies


Want more information, please contact us

To get your free Bright spots self-assessment click here